Mind Material

I’m always reading the latest research on positive psychology, neuroscience, and neurodiversity, and I love sharing these resources with my community, via my newsletter and blog.

Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Turbo Thinkers© and Self-Compassion

It is not uncommon for my Turbo Thinker clients to discover that often their inability to execute a task is rooted in their lack of self-worth. Feeling that they do not deserve success, love, or recognition creates a limiting belief that stops them in their tracks. Together we explore that. We wonder, “If your best friend told you that she was not worthy, what would you tell her?”

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Things Turbo Thinkers© Need to Hear

In one group, a client shared that her key to success was the realization that she could choose to put her own needs first. She had been taking care of loved ones and literally making herself sick by skimping on sleep and exercise. By seeing herself as the sole caretaker, she had neglected her true self, made herself miserable in the process and put on a “fake it till you make it” facade.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

#1 Tip for Turbo Thinkers©

Someone recently asked me, “What is the #1 piece of advice you’d give to Turbo Thinkers?” I thought about it for a moment, then replied, “Be yourself.” If only it were so easy and I have to recognize that it’s sometimes a difficult task.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

5 Things to Learn from Turbo Thinkers©

This week launched the Spring 2022 Turbo Think Tanks. We now have two “advanced” groups for clients that have already participated in at least one group or 1:1 coaching program with us.I love the first day of Advanced TTT because it feels like the best reunion ever. I am literally bouncing on my stability ball with excitement. One client yesterday said he felt like a puppy wagging his tail. He had been looking forward to starting up again so much.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

5 Most Challenging Traits for Turbo Thinkers© & How to Combat Them

So many of my clients are filled with shame because of the countless negative messages they have received over time. The negative talk gets internalized to the point where their own self talk has become negative too. Our turbo thinking brains excel at rumination and catastrophizing. Our brains can be champion naysayers, flailing us with whips and chains of humiliation and degradation.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Let's Value ADHD, Not Just Tolerate It

When my son began fifth grade, his homeroom teacher had each student write a letter introducing themselves, and later, on Parents’ Night, I got to read it. A few lines in, my son had written, “I have ADHD and that means I’m creative.” I almost cried. My son got it. He understood that his brain is wired uniquely.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Three Ways to Become More Self-Aware as a Turbo Thinker©

It’s 2022 and after living two years into a pandemic, self-awareness is key to progression.Together with clients, we develop awareness of what is going on in their turbo thinking brains as the first step towards improvement. Without awareness of what we are currently doing, thinking and feeling, we cannot change and step into a greater version of ourselves. How can we become more self-aware as turbo thinkers?

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Communication as a Turbo Thinker©

A lot of my clients this week have been focused on communication. They have developed the awareness of what their bodies feel and what their brains need. They have been able to pause and redirect. They have been able to effectively communicate and self-advocate, and they recognize these abilities as wins!

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

5 Things We've Learned About Turbo Thinkers©

As the year draws to an end, I like to reflect and spot patterns. Here are five common traits I’ve seen in Turbo Thinkers:We see endless possibilities.

Our turbocharged brains can come up with at least 1,000 things to do with a purple pipe cleaner. We can imagine 10,000 ways in which something can go wrong, but we can also envision just as many ways in which it can go right. We can think of hundreds of side hustles and have a plethora of projects that must be completed because of limitless opportunities for ourselves and for others.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Channel Creativity as a Turbo Thinker©

I just returned from a wonderful vacation in Valencia, Spain, where I reconnected with friends from my time as an exchange student 30 years ago. The city has changed, for the better, in so many ways, and we have too, with more wisdom and laugh lines. I had initially thought that the trip would be about revisiting the past, but it turned out to be about deep connection and friendship. It was full of endless possibilities.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Why We Love Turbo Thinkers©

Once you know that you are wired differently, that there is a neurobiological explanation as to why you think, act and feel differently than other people, you begin to understand. Once you know that there are others like you, you can practice self compassion. You can be empathetic towards others, perhaps they are Turbo Thinkers too, you can seek treatment to help you get over challenges. You can learn to appreciate your strengths because of your different brain wiring. You can understand that ADHD presents itself differently in every individual at every stage of their life. You can become more aware of your own brain, of how you process thoughts, feelings and actions.

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Ways for Turbo Thinkers© to Tap Into Innovation

Turbo Thinkers tend to be rebels in our own way, at least in our minds. When we are given a suggestion and presented with someone else’s idea, we often reject it automatically. We can poke holes in it, think of a way to improve upon it, we can think of alternatives, we can find endless possibilities...none of which are the other person’s idea. It is as if our brain takes another person’s directions as a personal affront and a challenge. “Nope,” it says. “I don’t wanna. I’m going to do it my way and I can think of a million better ways than yours.”

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Positive Habits for Turbo Thinkers©

I just can’t do it. See? I’m back to my old self. I wasn’t meant to do this. I’ve failed yet again.Sometimes we have a brilliant insight and inspiration to turn an idea into a reality. We decide to start fresh and proclaim to begin a new habit. We begin with enthusiasm, full of energy and optimism. We start off great...and then we fail. How easy is it to fall into our black and white thinking! We can’t execute perfectly, thus we suck. Would we tell this to our best friend? To our loved ones?

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Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers© Adela Baker

Creating Balance as Turbo Thinkers©

Balance can be defined as, “a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.” Many Turbo Thinkers already struggle with emotional regulation and executive function skills, and the chaos of today’s world exacerbates these challenges. “I need more balance,” they tell me. It’s all or nothing, though most of the time it’s nothing. It’s avoiding “the wall of awful”. However, does it have to be such black and white thinking? Are there not more than two elements necessary to create balance? Wouldn’t it be more like a spinning top than a see-saw? Moreover, what is the feeling we want? Isn’t that more important than what we need to do?

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Turbo Thinkers© Kristin Sanders Turbo Thinkers© Kristin Sanders

How Turbo Thinkers© Can Tackle Anxiety

According to the APA, 62% of people feel a heightened sense of anxiety since the start of the COVID pandemic. Turbo Thinkers can be prone to anxiety because of emotional dysregulation, so it’s no surprise that it often arises as a topic in coaching sessions. When we begin to explore the source of anxiety, we usually discover a lack of clarity.

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Turbo Thinkers©, Tools and Tips Adela Baker Turbo Thinkers©, Tools and Tips Adela Baker

5 Tips for Patience in Turbo Thinkers©

As Turbo Thinkers, we often struggle with patience. Our racing minds produce so many ideas and we feel like we must act on them immediately. We feel that our bodies need to move immediately. We anticipate the next move, the next activity, the next best thing, and have trouble simply enjoying the present moment for what it is. Sometimes we have a book, fidget toy, stress ball or other tactile distraction to entertain our brains. Sometimes we find ourselves unexpectedly forced to enjoy our own company with nothing to do but to wait.

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