Communication as a Turbo Thinker©
A lot of my clients this week have been focused on communication. They have developed the awareness of what their bodies feel and what their brains need. They have been able to pause and redirect. They have been able to effectively communicate and self-advocate, and they recognize these abilities as wins!
Awareness serves as a stoplight at an intersection. It turns red, alerting us to pause. We can then break and choose to continue, or to redirect. Perhaps we might benefit from turning left, turning right, or even making a U-turn. Sometimes, though, we fly through the intersection and completely run the red light. Oops. The awareness might not come until it’s too late and we see that ticket-camera flash. (insert expletive of your choice here.)
Running the light in communication might look like:
Impulsive blurting/interrupting.
Daydreaming/Losing interest in the topic.
Unable to follow many people in a group conversation.
Unable to remember the information that was presented.
Unable to formulate your own thoughts into words.
Unable to present your idea succinctly.
Unable to control your volume.
Unaware of personal space.
Unaware of what the hell is going on.
Afraid that your idea will be shot down.
Thinking that you do not know enough about the subject at hand.
Once we have developed the awareness of the dangerous intersections for our brains, we can learn to slow down and anticipate a stoplight. We can pause, break and redirect. Or we can continue calmly with confidence.