Warning Signs of Burnout BEFORE Getting Burnt Out

We are Turbo Thinkers! This means that our racing brains can produce an incredible variety and quantity of thoughts in quick succession. It also means that we are prone to burn out. What is the equivalent of a smoking engine for us? Like a race car, our brains can feel like they are exploding, we feel overwhelmed and want to scream, cry or hide. Our bodies reflect this and we fall ill, experience fatigue and brain fog. What are your particular warning signs? How do you know your Turbo Thinking brain is approaching burn out before it's too late? A burnt out race car has been running full speed without regular maintenance or pit stops. Maybe it did not have enough oil. Maybe it was leaking, clogged, worn or blocked in some way. 

Our Turbo Thinking brains require regular maintenance and rest as well. In order to service our brain, we need to understand its needs and how it best functions. What environment supports it? What people can best service it? What systems and tools are the best? What has worked? What might we be willing to try? Most importantly, how can we be gentle with this precious vehicle? How can you be gentle with yourself?

Your Turbo Thinking brain deserves to be treated with utmost care.


Memento Mori


Understanding Coaching Options as a Turbo Thinker