Studies Confirm What Coaches Have Long Known

One of the Hot Topic Sessions at this year's World Congress on ADHD, titled "Living with Adult ADHD Every Day," presented the latest research that validates what experienced ADHD coaches have recognized all along. We now have quantitative scientific evidence that many adults diagnosed with ADHD face challenges in the workplace, social skills and relationships, as well as financial management. On the other hand, we also learn that adults with ADHD thrive when provided with psychoeducation and gain an understanding of how their own brains work. While these findings may be familiar to Turbo Thinkers©, they were relatively new to the neurotypical individuals in the room.

The encouraging news is that these studies are ongoing. While we have had years of anecdotal evidence, there has been limited scientific research in these specific areas until now. The evidence-based research not only validates the experiences of Turbo Thinkers© but also supports the advocacy efforts for accommodations in embracing neurodiversity. However, it is important to note that the studies do not apply universally to all Turbo Thinkers©, as not everyone will face the same challenges. In fact, the concluding remarks of the session emphasized the importance of educating everyone about what effectively managed ADHD looks like.

As Turbo Thinkers©, our aspiration should be to create an environment and lifestyle in which we can thrive. This is my dream for all of us. How can we transition from feeling like powerless victims of circumstance to becoming empowered individuals with unique talents and approaches to navigating the world? Let's embark on this journey of discovery together.

Learn more about these studies at the links below:

If you’re an adult living with ADHD who wants to discover the best of your Turbo Thinking© brain, book a FREE consultation with Mind Coach.


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