What kind of Turbo Thinker© are you?

Turbo Thinkers often have strengths that are overlooked or overshadowed by other challenges. I can help you identify your strengths and use them to achieve your goals!

What type of Turbo Thinker are you?

  • You struggle to pay attention to detail or make careless mistakes

    You find it difficult to stay on task

    You cannot always listen or follow a conversation

    You resist following instructions or finishing chores

    You have trouble organizing tasks or activities

    You avoid or dislike doing things that take effort or concentration

    You often lose things

    You are easily distracted

    You can be often forgetful

  • You tend to fidget or squirm a lot

    You get up from your seat a lot

    You move your entire body at inappropriate times

    You have trouble behaving quietly

    You are always “on the go” as if “driven by a motor”

    You talk excessively

    You tend to blurt an answer before the question has been completed

    You have trouble waiting your turn

    You often interrupt others

  • You react to strong emotions in a way that may not be appropriate

    You have difficulty talking yourself down when feeling strong emotions

    You are easily distracted my emotionally charged events and have difficulty regaining focus

    You are quick to react and have trouble substituting healthier responses in the interest of long term welfare.

Please enter your email address below for a new perspective on your Turbo Thinking style.

Adela Baker

Mind Coach

Working with Mind Coach means working directly with me, Adela Baker. I’m a credentialed ADHD coach with a well-honed coaching process backed by the latest neuroscience.

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