Turbo Thinkers©️ at Their Best

An interesting question arose at the World Congress on ADHD: How do we determine whom to treat and how to treat them?

Many people believe that symptoms need to cause significant impairment in order to qualify for treatment. Fortunately, this view is changing. We deserve not only a better quality of life but also improved functional outcomes. Just because someone does not have a clinical diagnosis with a label of neurodiversity or has not undergone a lengthy and costly psychiatric evaluation does not mean they are unworthy of a better life. Subthreshold ADHD is defined as a neurobiological condition with some core inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive symptoms of ADHD that do not meet the full clinical diagnosis. If you consider yourself a Turbo Thinker©️ and believe in achieving better functional outcomes and improved health-related quality of life, then you deserve treatment. Studies have shown that while medication reduces clinical symptoms, non-pharmaceutical treatments improve functional outcomes. How do you want to function on a day-to-day basis? Who is the person you deserve to be? What does quality of life mean to you? You get to decide.

Click here to learn more about how treatment could look for you, by scheduling your own free 20-minute consultation with Mind Coach.


What If I Come to the Realization that I’m a Turbo Thinker© and I’m Over the Age of 65?


Turbo Thinkers© and Rainbows