Frequently Asked Questions

  • While I no longer do only ADHD coaching, here’s my own official definition: ADHD coaching is a creative and collaborative process that empowers clients to manage their attention, hyperactivity (physical, mental or emotional), and impulsivity while strengthening their executive function skills. These skills can include sustained attention, task initiation, time management, organization, planning, prioritization, working memory, intrinsic motivation, and metacognition. Clients are encouraged to be their most authentic selves in a safe environment, free of all fear and judgment. With mutual openness and curiosity, the coach and client explore current concerns and opportunities while looking to areas of personal growth and development. An integration of ADHD traits, behaviors, patterns, and challenges, all viewed through the lens of neuroscience, creates abundant space for clients to use newfound strengths and confidence in successfully harnessing the power of their unique turbo-charged brains. The client engages in the process of envisioning goals, planning steps, and taking actions that result in learning, accomplishment, and empowerment. Coaching is a transformational experience, in which ADHD strengths are included as a backdrop for dynamic performance.

  • Which is best for you? Individual [link] or group coaching [link]? Hmmmm. Both! They can even build on each other.

    Both are coaching for Turbo Thinkers© and both are a transformational experience. While there are certainly educational components, neither option is a class bound by curriculum. Many of my clients start out with one type of coaching and then move to another. For example, you might begin with individual coaching, and then follow-up with group coaching to keep yourself accountable and on track for even more intense growth. Or, you might try group coaching as a way to explore what coaching looks like and how it feels for you, before shifting to the one-on-one coaching experience.

    If you’re not sure, just schedule a consultation call, and together we’ll do a little digging to see which option is right for you.

  • I only coach adults, generally between the ages of 30 to 65, who are independently seeking and investing in support with their executive function skills. They may or may not have an ADHD diagnosis, but do experience ADHD-like symptoms either sporadically during high stress periods or consistently.

    I work with entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and any adult professional who envisions transforming possibilities into reality. From creatives to corporate executives, investors to engineers, Mind Coach provides solutions, mindset shifts, and life-changing results to people with big plans for everything they want to accomplish in their most fulfilled, authentic lives.

  • Nope! There are plenty of fabulous coaches who work specifically with kids, young adults, and students. I’m not one of them.

    (See what I did there? That’s some serious boundary-setting. I can show you how it’s done.)

  • Executive coaching can mean many things, but it’s often paid for by a company or corporation who also selects the coach. I only work with clients who have decided to pursue coaching on their own and are paying for it themselves—not because an employer wants them to or is footing the bill. I enjoy the high caliber of clients who autonomously seek out my services, and the greater trust we can establish.