Welcome to
Create Your Turbo Thinker© Toolkit
We are so glad to have you join our Mind Coach community and start your Create Your TurboThinker© Toolkit Membership.
Bookmark this page for easy access to your toolkit.
Password: TurboThinker!
Helpful tips to maximize your membership!
Attend LIVE virtual office hours and co-working sessions (details below)
Plan your time: identify a time and place where you can actively engage with the material. It doesn’t have to be long. The material is intentionally constructed in bite-sized pieces.
Add time to your calendar with reminders.
Send me a message! This is not meant to be an impersonal product that you purchase and let sit on the shelf. Your membership provides 3-months of coaching engagement. Send me your questions, thoughts, and ideas. You will receive a response (longer answers will be deferred to office hours for a longer response.
Take full advantage of your membership by participating in LIVE virtual co-working and office hours with Adela Baker for 3 months beginning today!
Book a private individual coaching session at a 40% discount
Office Hours:
Adela Baker, PCAC will be available to live (virtual office hours) Thursdays 4-5pm CT to answer any questions you may have related to the course. Please come with a specific question in mind. Depending on the number of participants, questions may be asked live with cameras on or posted in the chat. Adela will address as many questions as time allows in that session. Questions may also be sent by email.
Join Zoom Thursdays: 2pm PT | 4pm CT | 5pm ET
Come to the session with a clear work objective and ready to start. Be prepared to share at the beginning and at the end. No judgment on your level of progress. Cameras can be on or off during work, but microphones must be muted. The science shows that Turbo Thinkers benefit from having a body double for increased focus. Working side by side, even if on different projects, motivates us to sustain attention even on more mundane tasks. This is a supportive environment to get work done.
Join Zoom Meeting Mondays: 9am PT | 11am CT | 12pm ET
Take a minute now to enter these times to your preferred calendar.